Save PA

#SavePA - Help us Cut State Spending

Before We Ask Taxpayers for More Money
We Need to Find Ways to Cut State Spending


A message from State Senator Pat Stefano


Like all families and businesses, I believe that state government needs to carefully control costs and make tough decisions about spending, before asking hardworking Pennsylvanians to pay more in taxes every year.

Governor Wolf is continuing to push for massive broad-base tax increases, which I do not support. We need to look at ways to reduce government spending, cut unnecessary waste and make sure that state government is operating efficiently.

That’s where I would like your input. Send me your suggestions for ways to reduce government spending and save tax dollars. I welcome your input, will review and consider all your suggestions and may even highlight them on my SavePA webpage. I look forward to reviewing the ideas you share with me.

How Can We Save Tax Dollars?

Infographic: Governor Wolf's Timeline on Demanding More Taxes
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